Tag: Peppers

Keep the background – change the foreground

Keep the background – change the foreground

Much of the time I spend in the kitchen is devoted to taking a main course or a vegetable and trying to prepare it in new an innovative ways using different flavorings or backgrounds. Lately, though, I’ve found that I’m often thinking in the other 

Cooking for the pantry

Cooking for the pantry

Monday morning I was making a wrap sandwich to have for lunch.  Now you have to realize that this is about 5:45 am, because I need to get to work by 7:00 am and I have a half-hour commute, I haven’t showered yet, and I 

Easy versatility

Easy versatility

It’s easy to get into a rut when you cook for one or two people.  With small size proteins, there aren’t always a lot of different approaches to keep food interesting and if time is a factor, the choices dwindle even further.  I mean seriously,