Keep the background – change the foreground

Keep the background – change the foreground

Much of the time I spend in the kitchen is devoted to taking a main course or a vegetable and trying to prepare it in new an innovative ways using different flavorings or backgrounds. Lately, though, I’ve found that I’m often thinking in the other 

Kilt in the Kitchen & COVID-19 coronavirus Part II

Kilt in the Kitchen & COVID-19 coronavirus Part II

I feel a little embarrassed about this post. I promised yesterday another post inspired, if that’s the right word, but the COVID-19 situation. As I intended I make a couple of delicious hearty soups that I portioned and put in the freezer but I also 

Additions to the Bookshelf

Additions to the Bookshelf

There are a few cookbooks I’ve introduced into regular circulation in the kitchen over the past year or so. They are all listed in The Bookshelf, but I like them so much I wanted to go a little deeper in depth. My first favorite is 

Catching up on recipes

Catching up on recipes

I noticed that in my last couple of posts I neglected to include the recipes I was talking about. Let me take care of that now.   From Dinner Construction   Sautéed cabbage   Note: I have three variations of this. In the post, I 

Dinner construction

Dinner construction

Today’s post is going to be a little light on graphics. The idea for it didn’t come to me until I had everything on the stovetop or under the broiler, but I guess we can just muddle through. It’s Friday evening, I’m by myself, and 

Ten things to do with carrots

Ten things to do with carrots

Carrots are, by far, the most popular vegetable in this household.  No question. We have carrots at least twice a week, but more than that, carrots are the favorite human food of one of Alex, one of our parrots. My true love says over and 

Tapping into the Japanese pantry

Tapping into the Japanese pantry

So there’s authenticity, and then there’s having fun with ingredients.  Last night, I was trying to think of how to pit together my dinner.  I had some trout and top round steak, lots of different vegetables, a pile of carrots and onions, and several jars 

Cooking for the pantry

Cooking for the pantry

Monday morning I was making a wrap sandwich to have for lunch.  Now you have to realize that this is about 5:45 am, because I need to get to work by 7:00 am and I have a half-hour commute, I haven’t showered yet, and I 

Fresh herbs

Fresh herbs

I tend to go through serial obsessions in the kitchen. Every once in a while I’ll stumble across a new ingredient or a new technique and then spend the next several weeks exploring it. This past spring and summer I was in a Middle Eastern 

It only takes a little

It only takes a little

Last night was one of those nights where I started off without having any idea whatsoever about what I wanted to make for dinner.  All day long at work I was trying to come up with something I wanted to do for dinner and essentially