Month: December 2017

My family

My family

I’ve mentioned my parrots on a couple of occasions and I thought I’d share them with you today, on Christmas.  In addition to my true love, the household consists of two Amazon parrots, Samantha and Alex, and a fluctuating number of parakeets.  For the last 

‘Tis the season to make soups

‘Tis the season to make soups

I spend a lot of time making soup, especially when the whether gets a little colder.  Make a big pot of soup on Sunday and you have lunch for the rest of the week, and it’s a nourishing, satisfying lunch at that.  During the summer, 



I love root vegetables.  Potatoes, turnips, parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes, carrots, whatever.  I can get almost rhapsodic about parsnips (like here). I like their versatility, their nutrition, and not least their durability.  Root vegetables don’t go limp or soggy or moldy after 48 hours. One vegetable 

Freedom to make up your own mind

Freedom to make up your own mind

I can pinpoint the moment (actually, it was two separate moments of about 30 minutes each) when my interest in food moved beyond the kitchen.  I used to have a 30 minute walk to work and would always listen to podcasts on my journey.  One