Tag: food mill

Ways to mash things together

Ways to mash things together

On Sunday I made my first homemade chili sauce. Chili is one of those things where it’s possible to find perfectly lovely versions in jars off the shelf, but sometimes I just want to do it myself. On the written page, it isn’t all that 

Low tech kit, part one

Low tech kit, part one

My kitchen is pretty low-tech and I don’t spend a lot of time fantasizing over new kitchen equipment.  Most of the time I’m happy enough with a sharp knife, a good cutting board, and my pots and pans.  I do have a really good food 

‘Tis the season to make soups

‘Tis the season to make soups

I spend a lot of time making soup, especially when the whether gets a little colder.  Make a big pot of soup on Sunday and you have lunch for the rest of the week, and it’s a nourishing, satisfying lunch at that.  During the summer, 

It’s tomato time!

It’s tomato time!

It’s August and it’s tomato time. In Philadelphia, where I live, “Jersey” tomatoes are everywhere.  By everywhere, I mean in the grocery stores, farmer’s markets, Reading Terminal market, the Italian market, and if I had a car, they’d be at dozens of impromptu road side 

Fine-tuning someone else’s recipe

Fine-tuning someone else’s recipe

One of my favorite cookbook authors is James Peterson.  The first book of his I purchased was Cooking, a book pretty accurately subtitled as a culinary education.  I’ve since bought his book on soups and another on sauces and they are both great. Peterson has