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Cooking for the pantry

Cooking for the pantry

Monday morning I was making a wrap sandwich to have for lunch.  Now you have to realize that this is about 5:45 am, because I need to get to work by 7:00 am and I have a half-hour commute, I haven’t showered yet, and I 

Now where do I go for Gołąbki?

Now where do I go for Gołąbki?

I suppose I could make them myself.  After all, a gołąbki (usually pronounced in the U.S. as galumpkee) is essentially ground meat (pork or lamb) wrapped in cabbage leaves.  How hard can that be?  That’s not the point, though.  I just feel the need to mark 

Fresh herbs

Fresh herbs

I tend to go through serial obsessions in the kitchen. Every once in a while I’ll stumble across a new ingredient or a new technique and then spend the next several weeks exploring it. This past spring and summer I was in a Middle Eastern 

Where can I get lamb’s lettuce and other mysteries of life

Where can I get lamb’s lettuce and other mysteries of life

The last time I was in the UK, I was in Marks and Spencer assembling ingredients for dinner.  Those of you in the US may not know about Marks and Spencer, but it is the absolute British equivalent of giant old school retail, except that 

It only takes a little

It only takes a little

Last night was one of those nights where I started off without having any idea whatsoever about what I wanted to make for dinner.  All day long at work I was trying to come up with something I wanted to do for dinner and essentially 

Return to Le Relais de L’Entrecôte

Return to Le Relais de L’Entrecôte

One of the most popular posts I’ve ever done for Kilt in the Kitchen was It’s More than a Steak with Green Sauce.  It’s about one of our favorite restaurants in Paris and at the story of a sauce that is so good it has 



I love the technique of using condiments and sauces to add flavor and variety to basic preparations and have talked about it before.  On of my favorites is charmoula, a North African condiment based on cilantro, parsley, spices, oil, and lemon.  I love the complexity 

More things to do with zucchini

More things to do with zucchini

Summer is traditionally the time for farmer’s markets and fresh fruits and veggies.  Think of summer and images of corn, strawberries, watermelon, and tomatoes come immediately to mind.  Zucchini is another one of those vegetables that seem to be everywhere this time of year, but 

The key to successful urban planning is providing a sufficient number of boulangeries

The key to successful urban planning is providing a sufficient number of boulangeries

My true love and I have been traveling to Paris since 2004 and we have always stayed at the same hotel – Citadines Didot Montparnasse. It is located in the southern part of the 14eme arrondisement in a residential middle class neighborhood, far from Notre 

About bread

About bread

When I was 10 years old my family spent a year in California’s Bay Area and one of our regular treats would be a Sunday afternoon dinner at Tarantino’s. Overlooking Fisherman’s Wharf, it was (and probably still is) a white tablecloth restaurant featuring seafood from