Return to Le Relais de L’Entrecôte

Return to Le Relais de L’Entrecôte

One of the most popular posts I’ve ever done for Kilt in the Kitchen was It’s More than a Steak with Green Sauce.  It’s about one of our favorite restaurants in Paris and at the story of a sauce that is so good it has 



I love the technique of using condiments and sauces to add flavor and variety to basic preparations and have talked about it before.  On of my favorites is charmoula, a North African condiment based on cilantro, parsley, spices, oil, and lemon.  I love the complexity 

More things to do with zucchini

More things to do with zucchini

Summer is traditionally the time for farmer’s markets and fresh fruits and veggies.  Think of summer and images of corn, strawberries, watermelon, and tomatoes come immediately to mind.  Zucchini is another one of those vegetables that seem to be everywhere this time of year, but 

Low tech kit part B

Low tech kit part B

I recently shared my new-found love with my mortar and pestle.  Did I tell you how much I like it?  I think I did,   but that’s not the only new addition to my kitchen.  Now I’m not a real big kitchen gadget kind of 

Low tech kit, part one

Low tech kit, part one

My kitchen is pretty low-tech and I don’t spend a lot of time fantasizing over new kitchen equipment.  Most of the time I’m happy enough with a sharp knife, a good cutting board, and my pots and pans.  I do have a really good food 

Bringing Istanbul to Philadelphia

Bringing Istanbul to Philadelphia

A couple of years ago my true love and I vacationed in Istanbul and had an absolutely wonderful time. The trip predated Kilt in the Kitchen, but if I had started Kilt in the Kitchen earlier, I would have been posting every day if not 

Trying something new

Trying something new

Recently, I haven’t had as much time to spend in the kitchen as usual and I certainly haven’t been writing as much as I used to.  But after spending several days working on dinners that could be cooked as quickly as possible, I really felt 

Sunday morning at the Farmer’s Market

Sunday morning at the Farmer’s Market

I’ve often said that I live in the perfect location because I live in the heart of a city but within two blocks of Whole Foods, Acme (a well-run traditional supermarket) and the famous Italian Market.  I’m also only about twenty minutes by foot from 

Beyond the Borough Market

Beyond the Borough Market

I’m back in Philadelphia after spending a little more than a week in London and Leeds.  One of the highlights of the trip (and likely to be a destination every time I visit London) was the Borough Market in Southwark, a short walk from the 

A little touch of fish sauce in the night

A little touch of fish sauce in the night

One of the side dishes I make frequently (with improvisations) combines sautéed onions with mushrooms and a little Dijon mustard. I’ll use sweet onions, yellow onions, or leeks, vary the type of mushroom, maybe add some sherry or white wine vinegar, and will sometimes sauté